Introductions Of Two Copy Rolex Cellini Watches With Brown Alligator Leather Straps UK

Cellini is full of classical style and forever elegant temperament with modern spirit. The name of the series is named after Italian renaissance artist – Benvenuto Cellini, and pay a tribute to this famous master. From my point of view, Cellini is one of the most noble series of Rolex. In this post, you will see two retro watches replica Rolex Cellini.

The 18k rose gold copy watches have Arabic numerals.

Copy Rolex Cellini 4233 Watches With Arabic Numerals

  • 18K Rose Gold Fake Rolex Cellini 4233 Watches

This edition is made from 18k rose gold and matched with brown alligator leather straps. The collocation of 18k rose gold and brown leather straps is harmonious and wonderful. The white dials watches have Arabic numerals 18k rose gold sharp-shaped hands.

The platinum fake watches have Roman numerals.

Fake Rolex Cellini 5330 Watches With Roman Numerals

  • Platinum Copy Rolex Cellini 5330 Watches

This luxury watch is made from platinum and matched with the brown leather straps. The most attractive feature is the colorful mother-of-pearl dial with Roman numerals. This edition add different color to the simple series.