Keanu Reeves’ present to his John Wick stuntmen continues the celeb tradition of gifting 1:1 fake Rolex Submariners

Today’s model is best quality replica Rolex Submariner. For me, Keanu Reeves never really gets the respect he deserves. When you consider his body of work, he’s starred in a range of wildly entertaining movies from Point Break to Speed and the Bill & Ted films to the Matrix trilogy. But now there’s another reason Keanu has gone up in my estimations. The latest movie franchise he’s fronted has been the John Wick films, and the actor recently celebrated wrapping the fourth film in the series by giving his stunt team a special memento. Over dinner at Le Bistro Paul Bert in Paris on Saturday night, he gave a Swiss fake Rolex Submariner to each of the film’s four stunt men: Bruce Lee Concepcion, Jeremy Marinas, Dave Camarillo and Li Qiang.

These stunt doubles certainly earned their high quality replica watches UK given the insane levels of action and wild martial-arts set pieces in the John Wick films. Keanu famously does a significant number of his own stunts, which means that he would also have a first-hand level of appreciation for what his stuntmen actually do in the line of duty.

Generosity aside, as watch choices go, the 1:1 fake Rolex Submariner Ref. 126610LN ($12,900 AUD) is also an extremely solid pick that most people would be delighted to have in their collection. Released in 1953, in many ways the Rolex Submariner fake Paypal remains one of the classic dive watches that has evolved with incremental changes over the years. To give you a sense of just how incremental, last year the Oyster case of the new AAA quality copy Rolex Submariner was enlarged to 41mm, up from 40mm. And never has a single millimetre been received with so much fuss.

Still, that expansion was important because while it did nudge the Sub out of what is often regarded to be the Goldilocks size range, it enabled ,luxury fake Rolex to change the watch’s overall proportions in a favourable way. The 126620LN was effectively streamlined with lugs that are more tapered and skinnier crown guards. That extra millimetre also allowed Rolex replica watches for sale to slightly elongate the case, giving the whole visage a better profile. On the wrist, it actually wears smaller now than the model it replaced.

Chris Rock is also partial to doling out wholesale fake Rolex Submariners, too. Comedians Tina Fey and Louis C.K. both told Jerry Seinfeld in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee how they were once drafted in to help Rock out on a two-day rewrite of an unnamed movie. The writers were paid $5000 apiece for their efforts. But Rock was sufficiently happy with their work that he also sent each of them a cheap fake Rolex Submariner engraved with the inscription: “THANKS FOR YOUR HELP MOTHERF*CKER”.

While the specific model of the watch wasn’t named, we’ll hazard a guess that it was the AAA quality fake Rolex Submariner 16610, given that Louis C.K. wears it all the time.

It’s another photo to emphasise that whether you’re a funnyman or a stuntman, the Rolex Submariner replica watches online UK really is the ultimate go-anywhere, do-anything watch.