New Rolex Cellini Fake Cheap Watches With White Dials Launched In 2017 UK

Cellini collection always has elegant and noble models. In 2017, Rolex develops and launches a new Cellini watch with innovative functions. Rolex Cellini replica watches with brown alligator straps have 39mm everose gold cases whose dual bezels are domed and fluted. The delicate golden cases are carried with Calibre 3195. The Swiss movements can wind up in both directions automatically.

The new Rolex fake watches have white lacquered dials with everose gold indexes and hands. There is a blue enamel sub-dial used to show the moon phase at 6 o’clock. The moon phase sub-dial can indicate full moon or new moon. The full moon is symbolized by a circular meteorolite and the new moon is shown by a silver ring. There are also some exquisite stars on the blue enamel sub-dial.

Two central golden hour and minute hands show the time clearly. Besides, there is a blue hand with a moon-shaped tip used to show the date. Rolex copy watches with Swiss automatic movements are waterproof for daily activities. The glossy everose gold and elegant designs all contribute to a perfect timepiece.